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Working with RGVN, a non-profit based in Guwahati, India, we are launching the Elder-Care 'Hello' program. 

With the continuing COVID-19 crisis, Elders, especially ones with health impairments, are having the hardest time getting basic necessities like groceries. 

The Pilot project, led by RGVN with support from ServicePlace, plans to provide 100 families with elders with 'Hello' services. The elders can now call in for 'essentials' and a mentor will be calling them regularly to provide support. 

The supply for fresh items is intended to come directly from the villages, and requires a significant initial investment. For $300, you can also sponsor an elder to receive the 'Hello' service for six months. 

ServicePlace aspires to provide a community based framework for supporting the needs of these lonely aging individuals, to provide a system that responds to food, cleanliness, hygiene, transportation and healthcare needs in a supportive environment.


Your $300 donation will enable an elder to receive HELLO service for SIX months. 

You can donate any amount - every little bit helps.

To partner with ServicePlace to form a HELLO service in your area please contact us here or by sending an email to:


SALT-LAKE Kolkata - pilot coming soon

Currently in planing stages, we anticipate a second Pilot will be needed to work out the operational details for the Hello Service - where the Elder can call in services as needed. The services will have a Community component (how the neighbor can help) and also a Commercial content (e.g. food delivery, cleaning, medical tests...). Currently, this Pilot is expected to be based in Siliguri, but significant preparation remains to be done as we get ready to launch.

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